Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wow, what a rush!

So I did it.  I ran the warrior dash.  I have to say its one of the most fun things I've ever done!  The competition was awesome!  The comradery was incredible.  I'm sure I've mentioned more than once that I do not love running but this was empowering, uplifting, and downright awesome!  I ran with 2 great ladies while 2 other great ladies were our cheerleaders!  One of whom is my love.  This is one of the few times I've enjoyed competition.  I was competing against myself and that was fine with me.  I just wanted to do each obstacle, run the best I could, and finish.  And in my mind I did all three with flying colors!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pop the Question

It's has been so long since I have actually sat down and wrote on our blog.. What an amazing journey this has been... I have watched my boy become a man and all I can say is "How lucky am I?" Well now we turn the page and a new chapter of our life begins... This Boy asked This Girl to spend the rest of her life with him and of course This Girl said yes! And so now... We are planning a wedding like no other!!! :) Get ready for a celebration of love!!!!! And nothing but unique, because let's face it, it's what we are!


My Warrior

He did it! Jackson completed the Warrior Dash, mud pit and all! I am so proud!!!

Warrior Waiting..

We are 20 minutes in to my guys final must do of the transition... The last leg of the race if you will... The wait is killing me!

- Jgirl

The warrior dash in Tulsa Oklahoma

Ok, we are on the road to Tulsa Oklahoma so I can run the warrior dash.  When I got my top surgery, I wanted to do something for myself.  I'm sure I decided this while on meds. Haha. Anyway, I wanted to do the race somewhere "cool" like Boulder or Austin but decided on Tulsa because of proximity to where I live.  No offense to Tulsa but its not a place I would choose first for vacation. 
Anyway, I had plans on training hard, thought this would give me that motivation to get my ass in shape.  Well, of course I didn't train very hard, did some weight training but no cardio.  So we shall see how well I do.  I'll post some pics.  Better sign off, writing this blog from the passenger seat is making me car sick. Great...
Later, Jack