Saturday, November 21, 2009

Feeling Grreat! Just call me Tony!

Ok, well...I really wasn't sure what I was going to write about but as I start some recent events have me reeling with happiness. I had the privilege last night to attend the Transgender Day of Remembrance at our local Equality Center. It was relocated due to our lovely weather. Anyway, I first off was impressed that we even had any type of remembrance locally and also that we have such a nice facility to host it. I have never been to the Center...I haven't ever really been into any type activism other than my occasional myspace blog ranting. But last night, it felt good to be with others who cared about an issue so close to my my life.
And this leads me to another topic. I haven't really met in real life any other trans men. Well, locally. I know some bois in Arizona.
And I think I've been avoiding it. I felt like it was too early, that I wouldn't be perceived as trans if I couldn't 'pass' Now, I know this is totally silly and neurotic of me, but that is par for the course in my brain! But last night meeting some others like me was totally empowering for me. Not that I've necessarily felt alone, to be honest I don't know how I've felt not having talked with anyone "like me" I just have always been a bit of a loner, go it my own way type of person.
But last night showed me that we have a presence in NWA. I knew we did but this reaffirmed it.
And it was good for my girl to meet another wife. She is so strong for me and supportive but I know she needs to talk with others too. This shit ain't easy!
To wrap up this monologue of ADD-ness I just want to say I feel empowered and validated today. And that makes me feel grreat!

1 comment:

jamie_renae said...

The beauty of getting to know others is that you start learning more about yourself, and that gives you added confidence.
Yor did great last night! I am always impressed when I get to meet another Brother. That transition is so effective, as compared to the other way.
Jamie R