Monday, August 16, 2010

What are you gonna do...

You wake up and realize this is your life. Wake up to that annoying sound of an alarm clock, rollover, and start the day. Time to get up and go to a mundane job to pay bills for materialistic things you have acquired in life. This life. You dread every minute... So what are you gonna do?

What you want to do is throw in the towel and sell everything you have. You want to pull up these roots you have planted and take off in a cozy Minnie Winnie. Hit the open road.. Drive to roadside museums like the Vacuum Museum because who goes to places like that? I mean, have you ever known anyone that has been to the Vacuum Museum? Me either... But I want to...

So at what point do you get to do that? When your 80 and retired? Blah! Life is too short.. We need to enjoy it now! But wait... I'm an adult with responsibilities. "I have to go to work." But why do I have to go to work? Because there are bills to pay and a life that has to be led. But who's life is this? This is what old people do. Am I really that age that I thought was so old when I was younger? Yes I am. But I still dream of running away with the love of life, to enjoy life. I want to go to Greece and pluck real olives from a branch and enjoy every moment of eating real Greek olives. I want to gather a bundle of real grapes from an Italian vineyard and feel them pop in my mouth. I want to feel the burst in my mouth of an actual farm peach that I have gathered with my own hands. I want to dance in the streets of a quaint little village that we have stumbled upon...

Snap back to reality... What am I gonna do? Well that annoying sound is alarming.. Time to get up... but first I am going to rollover and kiss the love of my life good morning... And then cuddle up next to him and snooze for just 5 more minutes....

Much love,

1 comment:

Jamie Renae said...

After you spend several years doing the boring stuff, hopefully you have saved enough money to do the fun stuff. Early retirement lets you do what you choose.
Jamie R