Friday, October 30, 2009

How about some positivity????

Ok, I just reread my posts on this site and realize they are mostly written about my fears and short comings about being a dude. So I wanted to write a blog about how my experience so far has been good with my T regimen.
The first thing I notice is how great I feel physically. T makes my body feel like it is supposed to. I’ve always felt like I was a weakling of some sort and T has increased my strength and stamina. I can only assume that the reason I’ve felt weak is because I couldn’t do some things guys do physically. I realize I will always have the “short-man syndrome” but now my body seems to match my mind and that feels damn good. And even though I think I’ve become less emotional and sympathetic, my brain synapses seem to finally fire properly. All my life, I’ve felt that my brain hasn’t fired correctly, that maybe I needed ADHD or ADD medicine and now for the first time in my life I feel like I can focus when I really need or want to. But I do think my writing has suffered a bit, not that I was worthy of a Pulitzer but I felt that my musings were at least entertaining for the reader…course I’ve been called self-centered and cocky too.
I also love this new found sexuality! I have always felt that I was a sexual being but as I’ve gotten older, that has lessened a bit and I became worried that I would eventually lose the yearning for a favorite pastime. But now, I am ready and willing at a moments notice. And my girl and I are having great fun with that. One thing I will interject here is that I am one lucky boi in the girlfriend department. She is so supportive and wonderful, she’s never treated me once “like a girl” and one place that is evident is in the bedroom. It’s incredible to find someone who does as much or more research on my journey. Who is as knowledgeable and finds out when she doesn’t know. Someone who stands up and fights even if I don’t feel like it, she’s a tiger I tell ya!
And to top off the wonders of being a boi, I can’t wait till I can sport facial hair. I have a bit of “peach fuzz” right now that you can see if I’m in very bright light and you stand 2” from my face…but I know it will grow in and be awesomely handsome! My body is changing as well, by leaps and bounds. My neck and shoulders are broadening. My hips are shrinking (wonder if this is why my hip joints have been hurting a bit?) My thighs and butt are muscling up. I now feel like I have a sexy body, even if my six-pack isn’t quite there. These damn bumps on my chest…boobs, I want them gone. I love to kiss them and caress them, just not on me!!!!
All in all, when I am bound (annoying necessity for now) and have my packer in, and I haven’t shaved the peach fuzz off, I feel like me…throw on some 501’s and a T-shirt and my Chucks and you have Jack, the boi. I feel confidant, handsome, and ready to take on the world…most days.
So there you have it, the basic things that I love about being me. There is so much else though, but those concepts are hard for me to put into words. It’s hard to pin down with just sentences. Some of the feelings I have yet to grasp myself. Jack is a work in progress, a piece of stone with the statue inside, and I just have to carve it out.


Coy said...

And in Texas we love you too!

Jack said... sweet....and I'm starting to love Texas because of you guys...not the cowboys though...ha

amusing muse said...

brilliant & insightful. you are my hero! love you both xo